
Meet your School Counselor

Hey there, I'm Haley Nickell.  I'm so excited to be serving STES as its school counselor. This is my first year in this role, for before this, I acted as a mental health counselor in the Tattnall Co. Elementary Schools for 3 years. I have my license in Socail Work and working on my certification for School Counseling.  When I am not at school you can find me hanging with my sidekick, Okie the Goldendoodle.  I look forward to working with our new administrators, teachers, and most importantly you and our students!!

A school counselor’s role is commonly thought of as a person who wrangles little ones and their big feelings; think lion tamer, with less fur, more tears, and definitely more fun! As a school counselor, I do help with big feelings and emotional development, but there is more that meets the eye.

Here are just some of the services I hope to provide this year:

  • Individual Counseling
  • Crisis Counseling
  • Small Group counseling
  • Classroom Guidance Lessons
  • Consultations with Teachers, Parents/ Guardians, and Administrators
  • 504 Coordinator
  • School Testing Coordinator
  • Celebrator of all students!
Remember, A school counselor’s role is to respect students by keeping the information they share confidential. A critical step in building trust and rapport with students is making sure they know that we will respect their privacy. School counselors will share critical information with teachers, parents/ guardians, and administrators on a “need to know” basis. Rest assured though, if a student is hurting themselves, hurting others, or is being harmed by others, the school counselor will inform the appropriate stakeholders right away to ensure the safety of everyone involved.

To refer your child, click here.

Your school counselor helps with:

  •    Problems with social/peer relationships
  •    Communication skills
  •    Developing skills for thinking and solving problems
  •    School problems
  •    Underachievement
  •    Family concerns
  •    Dealing with loss and change

How does a students see the counselor?

  •    Teacher referral   
  •   Parent referral
  •    Self-referral
  •    Administrative referral
  •    Special services referral
  •    Referral by a friend

Parents may contact the counselor for:

  •     Academic concerns
  •     Family concerns affecting their child at school
  •     Concerns about their child's behavior
  •     Referral to special services